
Entry (1/4)1  lia
Part of speech  2  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Dia; haolo tsy zatra olona, tsy tamana, mikarenjy, tsy voafehin-dalàna, maditra, saro-tahoatra, kaody. Ohatra: amboadia na amboalia, pisodia na pisolia na sakadia na sakalia (kary), ombidia na ombilia (ombimanga) [1.10#L.306]
4  Dia [1.78]
5  Dia, dy [1.78]
Compound words 

Entry (2/4)7  lia
Part of speech  8  Unspecified
Explanations in Malagasy  9  Iavian' ny hoe malia : mora vaky na tapaka, makiana, malemy. [1.10#L.306]
10  Na lio, fototenin' ny teny hoe milia sy lialia [1.10#L.306]
11  Niavian' ny hoe malia [1.1]
12  Adjectives :
Compound words 

Entry (3/4)14  lia
Part of speech  15  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  16  Na dia; fandehanana. Ampiasaina matetika amin'ny fombampiteny hoe mahalialalana [1.10#L.306]
17  Adjectives :

Entry (4/4)18  Lià
Part of speech  19  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  20  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in English  21  Leah [2.996]
Explanations in French  22  Léa [2.996]
Synonyms  23  lea, lea
Biblical quotes  24  Chapters and verses mentioning Lià
Tables and plates  25  Full list

Anagrams  26  ila, lia

Updated on 2023/05/15